Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil, hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A somewhat normal day

On a somewhat normal day we start by getting up at five o'clock and get dressed, clean our rooms, and sit down for breakfast (Emma usually makes it and Dad has left to drive the school bus), that is also the time we have our meeting for the day, discuss what we got done yesterday and talk about what needs to be done today. Then Christin, Sara, Emma and I go out to milk the goats, depending on who's day off of milking it is that person has to clean up from breakfast and get the little kids dressed and ready for the day. Now that Katarina has gone back up to New York to work at another dairy it is Grace's chore to work in our dairy, so that's what she does when we are milking. By the time we are done milking it is about eight o'clock, Dad is home from driving the bus and we all have street time, run, walk, roller skate, or ride one of the two bikes we have (and actually we haven't been doing street time that much lately due to us not finishing milking to about eight thirty). Then it is nine o'clock and SCHOOL TIME!!!! Yes I love school, we are currently doing year two of our curriculum and learning about late explorers, but this has probably been the most boring week of school we have done so far this year. We do school until twelve then it's dinner time which is our main meal of the day. Starting at one is our free time, where we can do things we want to do such as sew, ride the horses, or blog, free time goes on until four o'clock, if we want to we can switch our free time and school time in case we want to do something for free time that requires us doing it in the morning. Then at four we have to get the milk stuff out and start milking, we finish around six, then we have to clean up from milking.We eat supper and at seven we have family time whether it's playing a card game, playing capture the flag, or watching a movie. We then have bible study, and at eight the little kids go to bed, the older kids and Dad and Mom go to bed at nine (though lately we've been going to bed much later then that). So that's our somewhat normal day, of course there are times when we have to switch it up a bit, like on Friday when we have to get ready for Saturdays market, or when we go to a friends house for the day. So today I worked on cleaning out the burn pit, Christin started working on a 1860s ball gown for me, Dad and Sara went to our Wednesday Houston market, Mom and Grace went to our Austin Wednesday market, And the little kids did the normal. Good bye for now.


Caiti Marie said...

Sounds like a busy day! Are you still using Tapestry of Grace for school?

Linnea Janelle said...

Yes it is busy but it works much better this way. Yes we are still using Tapestry of Grace.

Caiti Marie said...

Neat! We're using Tapestry of Grace, too... Though not "still," because we took a break from it for a few years, and we're not doing the same year you are.